Mama Allpa

Men, it's time to make your mark in Second Life.

Don't just look good and copulate.  Be a real, potent man and impregnate.

Mama-Allpa helps you find them:-

Tired of reading profiles, asking "that" question and getting knocked back?

If there's a Mama-Allpa female nearby, you'll know they're interested, and you'll know who they are!

Mama-Allpa helps you focus on what's important:-

Tired of juggling multiple menus, inventory windows and HUD's?

Tired of not being able to see what you're doing, let alone manage it smoothly?

With Mama-Allpa, one HUD controls your actions and reactions, regardless of what kind of genitalia you have.

If you're using any of a number of well-known brands of genitalia, Mama-Allpa will even manage that for you as well.

Mama-Allpa helps you set the scene:

Tired of hunting for someone else's pose balls, not knowing for sure how or even if they'll work?

If you can rez an object, you can make love, knowing that you'll do it right with the built-in Mama-Allpa multi-poser.

Life time updates!

Mama-Allpa gives you free lifetime updates:

Spend your money where it will do the most good.

Buy Mama-Allpa once.

Buy Mama-Allpa now.

You'll never need to buy anything else to make your sexual Second Life complete!

If you wish to experience the full joy of roleplaying pregnancy in Second Life, gently guided along the way, this is for you.

Even if you are already pregnant (RolePlay in SL) you can now use the HUD to mentor you through the stages. It will count your days and offer help for each month.

Unlike some others, this is not a tummy-talker.  It won't spam those around you, instead whispering exclusively to you.

See the panels to either side and the associated sub-pages for gender-specific functions.

Females can now take their sexual experience in Second Life to a new level.

Don't just be a pixel-doll for the amusement of others, add the thrilling possibility of pregnancy to your Second Life!

Whether it's the joy of sharing it with that special someone, or the risk of unprotected, unplanned sex you seek, Mama-Allpa delivers in more ways than one!

Mama-Allpa gives you realism:-

The full female experience is managed for you, menstruation, fertility, conception and pregnancy.

Mama-Allpa gives you control:-

Do you wish to use contraceptives?  You can.

Are you pregnant and wish to know who the father is?  You will.

Condoms, contraceptive pills and paternity tests are all available for free from the place of purchase.

You can adjust the HUD to your being. If you are a human, wear it and it works. If you are for example a fox, a horse, a fairy, whatever: alter the cycle details to your needs

Mama-Allpa gives you flexibility:-

We are not all human in Second Life, although that is the default setting for this.

Horses, foxes, fairies, mermaids, and anything else, you have full control over the length of your cycle and term of pregnancy.

Human females just wear it and you're good to go!  Everyone else, set it once and forget it!

Mama-Allpa gives you security:-

Does Second Life treat you worse than an abusive boyfriend?  Does it kick you out five times a day with no warning or apology?

Don't worry, all of your information is safe with us.

Did you accidentally reset it?  Or even delete it and buy a replacement?

Don't worry, we'll take care of it, automatically.

Your information is kept safely outside of Second Life, always up to date and secure from the problems we all must deal with.

Mama-Allpa gives you free lifetime updates:-

Buy Mama-Allpa once.

Buy Mama-Allpa now.

You'll never need to buy anything else to complete your sexual Second Life!

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