Join our team

So you are interested in becoming a certified Mama Allpa physician? That is a good idea. This page will outline some of the benefits, some of the requirements and then also tell you how to get there. Read on!


Understand that this is all roleplay

There is no real professional health care involved, all and everything we do is in the fantasy realm of Second Life. Be symphathetic with your patients but also be clear about that Mama Allpa is not in any form or way a useful advisory for RL pregnancies.

Have a basic understanding of the menstrual cycle, conception, pregnancy and birth, in general

The knowledge you should bring to the table is of the same level that most schools would teach already in their curriculum to high-schoolers. Knowing what ovulation is exactly and other details are of advantage. We do not ask you to be a professional in the medical field RL. 

Know the ins and outs of the HUD

The Mama Allpa HUDs try to follow RL behaviour and to act realistic, as far as SL allows. Magic tricks that would be easily possible in SL with scripts are not part of the HUD system as we aim for a realistic, positive experience. Get yourself familiar with the way the HUD "ticks". Why menues are structured the way they are. Etc.

Be prepared to offer free services

After passed tests our team would love to see you active in the help desk, taking care of patients questions ("How do I...?", "Where can I...?") and fixing smaller issues when they played with their settings and can't get it sorted back right. Also, if you wish to run a place for prenatal care and childbirth, you are required to offer two prenatal visits with one ultrasound and a basic delivery at no costs, as long as they are performed with the Mama Allpa HUD.
You can offer more, for free. You can offer more, for payment. This is up to you. But Mama Allpa is not the tool to cash in as much L$ as possible from a potential patient. It is, first and foremost, a roleplay tool. For an immersive experience that is worth remembering.

Be open to use Discord

It is a must that you are willing to use Discord  for our communication. I understand that Discord is not everyones cup of tea. However, if you do not want to use it, you can not be part of our team. Updates, information and a lot of talk happens there. If you just install it and never use it, it will not work either!

Do not be afraid to use translators

Not everyone is asking in English. Please do not ignore help requests only because they are not in English. Try to accomodate. Tools like DeepL will identify for you which language has been used and assist you in translation.

Keep the Frontpage of your profile PG

The front page (first page) of your profile is PG. How you design your picks is up to you, you can get in the picks as kinky as you like. But the front page is PG.


Free equipment

Mama Allpa staff gets all Mama Allpa equipment at no costs. All add ons, poseballs, etc.

Access to knowledge

You are the first to know about upcoming beta versions, bugfixes, background information etc. And if you are with a patient and you are stuck the whole team is having your back. You never walk alone. A special discord channel is always open for you.

The certification

Over the years, Mama Allpa has become synonymous for pregnancy in Second Life. No other certification is that widely known in this virtual world.

How to apply

Click in your Mama Allpa HUD "Help" and then "Ticket". State that you have read this page and that you would like to join a training. The training is free. After sending the ticket you will be contacted.

Looking forward to hearing from you!