The female HUD

Your first day with the HUD

The caption above the HUD will change its color throughout your cycle:



White=days in between (follicular & luteal phase)


Since this question is often asked: a pregnancy will not show right after intercourse. You will be aware about your pregnancy at the end of your menstruation cycle, like in Real Life too. Not right after having sex.

As we have hereditary traits now we highly engourage you to first set your details up, as in hair color, skin color, eye color. How to do that you will see below.

The menu

The available buttons in the menu vary, depending on several circumstances. The constant ones always present are:


shows you your current status, where you are in your cycle as well as your settings


pretty much everything that is there to configure you can find under Assistant. Here you will find the menu to set up your traits.


The help menu which brings you to this website, invites you to the support groups, allows you to file a ticket if you need assistance


Allows you to chose between several languages


From the Assistant menu you can configure the following options:


You can add 2 partners. These partners can initiate mating with you. While normally you, as female HUD user, would have to "Open for..." a registered partner can do this for you now too. Partners will not be notified that you added or removed them, they will also not see whether you added a second partner

My Hud

Here you can enable and disable the following options

Belly Grow

Do you want Mama Allpa to apply a deformer to your belly when you are pregnant? This option works for most mesh bodies and shapes but not for all. Since the results can vary some users prefer other methods, for example third party RLV solutions or mesh bellies as add on. However, if you have the belly grow active, Mama Allpa will take care of that for you.


Do you want emotes (only for you readable) during the birthing scene? The HUD will suggest possible sensations and emotions if this is enabled.


Do you want the time that you were offline to count like you have been online, automatically? Then set Autoupdate to "yes", which is the default setting.


How fast do you want a day in Second Life to pass? you can chose between 30 minutes and up to 24h


Go back to day 1 - careful: this includes deletion/removal of existing pregnancies and Mama Allpa staff is not able to restore that. Gone is gone!

My body

Allows you to set up details like your appearance and your fertility settings


Here you can set up what skin, hair and eye colour you wish to give to your off spring as hereditary traits.


How fertile do you wish to be? you can vary between 0% up to 100%. This means your fertility during ovulation. And while ovulation in RL is a fixed moment, here in Second Life the HUD offers a span of several days because no one of us is really 100% 24 hours a day every day on. So, how fertile do you wish to be in the peak of your menstrual fertility cycle?


Mama Allpa can handle several settings and has, for your convenience, grouped them to mammals (and one amphibian, for the artistic license). So if you prefer to have the settings of a canine, as example, you can pick that setting already here. Careful though: the HUD will also set you up for conceiving multiples, also known as "litter" then.


Which species do you wish to be? This is only a roleplay label and has no bearings on any of the other HUD settings. Example: you look like a human but want to be treated like a fairy? Enter "fairy" as species and Mama Allpa doctors can read that with their scanners and react accordingly.


You want to be pregnant but do not want a partner or mating? here you can set yourself manually to pregnant. Attention: this setting is only available on day 1 and day 2 in your cycle. If you are further advanced you may need to reset your HUD first (My HUD - reset). WIth this step we want to prevent accidental overriding of maybe already forming pregnancies.

My cycle

Here you can fine-tune the cycle settings. you can individually set up the cycle length (time from menstruation to menstruation), the gestation (how many days does a pregnancy take), the chance to conceive multiples and also the tolerance - which is a time span your monthly cycle can vary. Attention: this setting is only available on day 1 and day 2 in your cycle. If you are further advanced you may need to reset your HUD first (My HUD - reset). WIth this step we want to prevent accidental overriding of maybe already forming pregnancies.


Several add ons can be set up here, which is the topic of another page.