Sound files

The files below are just a sample of some of the wonderful stuff available in podcast and other sound forms on the web. Of course, there are also millions of videos and still photos available that are wonderful, enough to occupy all the remaining minutes of your life.

Links to good podcasts: (These links take you to individual pages for each program. You can download the file or play directly from the linked page). Martha Herbert is an impressive researcher and physician. She has a pediatric neurological practice and has found better, broader perspectives on autism than what she was originally taught. Excellent interview by Anne Strainchamps. Kristen Finch is a speech and language therapist whose marriage was souring badly. She got the idea that maybe her difficult to love and understand husband has Asperger's syndrome. He took the quiz and now things are going more better for the couple, as related in their book "Journal of Best Practices". Great interview by Jim Fleming. Steve Paulson interviews Richard Davidson, a famous Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison researcher who has delved into the effects of meditation on the brain and related issues. If you are interested in scientific results on meditation, you have to be interested in Davidson. Steve Paulson interviews George Vaillant, Harvard psychiatrist, about his work and book on scientific views of the human need for religion Interviewer Frank Browning talks with scientists about what they are finding out about the brain and dancing.