Mind and brain resources

Some good sources on mind subjects See also my blog on Keeping Older Brains Sharp

  1. Jack Kornfield, PhD – “The Wise Heart” and others. This book covers it all aspects of meditation and self knowledge and observation in a gentle, wise way with excellent writing

  2. Jon Kabat-Zinn, MD – “Coming to Our Senses” and other books. This man persisted in getting American medicine to recognize the value of meditation in medical situations.

  3. Daniel Siegel, MD – “The Mindful Brain” - by scientist and meditator with hypothesis that meditation does for self what a loving mother does for a child

  4. Mark G. Williams, PhD, & others – “Mindful Way Through Depression” – excellent for everyone, not just those who are depressed

  5. Susan Piver – “Quiet Mind” – great little summary of meditation techniques

  6. Eckhart Tolle – “Stillness Speaks”

  7. Robert Ornstein - MindAlive - emphasizes that we never experience actual reality, only the version of it that our senses and minds construct all the time

  8. Herbert Benson - The Relaxation Response - great source to start with

  9. Mary Elizabeth Raines - hypnosis and related topics http://www.laughingcherub.com/

  10. Cheri Huber - There Is Nothing Wrong With You - she means what she says

  11. Sylvia Boorstein - Don't Just Do Something, Sit There! - astute, gentle teacher

  12. Mehmet Oz - Healing With the Heart - famous Turkish-Am dr. from Oprah uses many alternative approaches

  13. Norman Doidge, MD - The Brain That Changes Itself - best overall on brain plasticity (change-ableness) - the book that started us on older brains

  14. Candace Pert - Your Body Is Your Subconscious Mind - audio book - you are all one unit

  15. Peggy Brill - Instant Relief: Tell Me Where It Hurts & I'll Tell You What to Do - exercises to counter desk-sitting, driving and such

  16. Heidi Shink - 3 Minutes to a Pain-Free Life - ditto

  17. Peggy Brill - The Core Program: 15 Minutes A Day That Can Change Your Life - good basic exercise for core muscles

  18. Anat Baniel - Move Into Life: Nine Essentials for Lifelong Vitality

  19. Roberta Temes - The Tapping Cure - another tool for working with your body and mind, tapping points of your body while focusing

  20. Eugene Gendlin - Focusing - short helpful book on approach much like meditation with modifications for gentle problem solving

  21. Daniel Wegner, Harvard psych prof. specializes in problems of avoiding thoughts you don't want to think. Here is a Wired.com interview with him.

  22. Brain Fitness Program, Insight - software by Posit Science (expensive but stimulating and has some scientific success)