Reading More Good Books Class handout 9/11

Life Reading More Good Books notes 2011


1. Rules for this class: come late, leave early, keep pad and pen handy. Go have a coffee, a tea, a milkshake or a martini, with someone, if you wish.

2. Web site, PointReads blog

3. Optional homework starting now: a list of what you can remember reading, augmented by viewing others’ lists, places where your old books are, records of your reading, Alice Payne Hackett and online sources of what was read when,

4. Maybe you have read enough. Maybe it is time to stop reading.

5. Generally, two sorts of readers: heavy and light

a. Light: see list of books for Don ( Click on Life Classes, then Don’s list near bottom

b. Heavy: many lists available

i. the problem of superlatives and being #1

6. Getting and giving titles

7.; good reads; good reading,, site after selecting a book

8. Lists and assessment of possible reads, using, Google books

9. Check out authors, series, publishers, Google and Google some more, Library of Congress, UWSP, Portage Co.

10.Books you love, books you hate, despise, look down on, recommend avoiding

11. As Emily Dickinson said, "there is nothing like a friggin’ book". Make that "there is no frigate like a book."

12.Anti-readers:”Do you have your nose in a book again?” “Have you done your chores?” “Why don’t you do something useful?” [Wow! Where did you learn that?]