Faith Unraveled by Rachel Held Evans - highlights

YOUR KINDLE NOTES FOR: Faith Unraveled: How a Girl Who Knew All the Answers Learned to Ask Questions by Rachel Held Evans

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Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 132

My culture, my childhood, my gender, my prejudices, my hopes, my imagination, my virtues, and my vices — these things color my view of the world and infuse it with meaning.

good list for us all

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 146

It’s a bit disconcerting to think of modern humans arriving so late to the evolutionary scene, of God taking millions upon millions of years to get to the point.

Wow! Have we gotten to the point?

Highlight (Yellow) | Location 173

The problem with fundamentalism is that it can’t adapt to change. When you count each one of your beliefs as absolutely essential, change is never an option. When change is never an option, you have to hope that the world stays exactly as it is so as not to mess with your view of it. I think this explains why some of the preachers on TV look so frantic and angry. For fundamentalists, Christianity sits perpetually on the precipice of doom, one scientific discovery or cultural shift or difficult theological question away from extinction. So fearful of losing their grip on faith, they squeeze the life out of it.

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 183

But the real story of Christianity is a lot less streamlined.

streamlined is a great word in this sentence

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 193

Imagine centuries of faith undone by a telescope!

yes, imagine

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 228

No longer satisfied with easy answers, I started asking harder questions.

questions all the way

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For all we knew, we were rich as queens.

or richer than some queens

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I just imagined that he and God had a lot of things in common, that they subscribed to the same magazines and wore similar shoes.

sounds right

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 288

I’ll admit I was a little disappointed when I learned that something like 85 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians.

I thought it was just us

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 293

I learned how to effectively blame everything from crime rates to suicide rates on the removal of prayer from public schools.

the fault, the blame

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 934

I thought about how much this silence would have frightened me a few years ago, back when I thought I always had to be ready with an answer.

older, smarter

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 1059

Isn’t it a little suspicious that the only true religion is the one with which we happened to grow up?


Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 1267

It bothered me that other people weren’t bothered.

happens often

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 1269

Wherever I sensed a calm sea, I sought to rock the boat; I wanted others to share in my storm.

again, seeking comfort, challenge both

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 1270

There’s a chance this may have alienated me from some people.


Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 1279

It’s like we’re just puppets on a string, and God is mad at us for doing what he makes us do.”

Wish He would behave

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 1285

While some friends declared my faith dead on arrival, others insisted on defibrillation via systematic theology.


Highlight (Yellow) | Location 1306

Pond-scum theology effectively shifts the question from How could a loving God send anyone to hell? to How could an angry God allow anyone into heaven?

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 2028

The more I learned, the less I felt I knew. The less I felt I knew, the more I listened.

Been there !

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 2039

It’s not that I really wanted to kill myself; I just didn’t want to live this awful life.

what change ?

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 2131

I like winning pointless little games like that.

military training

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 2162

the Bible is commonly referred to as “God’s Word,” a description that sounds so definitive and singular that it is almost misleading.

difficult subject

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 2229

Instead, we will have a physical representation of God on which to dwell, personal idols made of paper and ink.

a paper idol

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most rejected Christianity because they thought it means becoming judgmental, narrow-minded, intolerant, and unkind.

where did that idea come from?

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 2309

The assumption that God belongs to a certain country, political party, denomination, or religion seemed absurd.


Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 2315

So, like any good, self-aware millennial, I started a blog.

good idea

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 2358

Of course, we all carry around false fundamentals.

what ?

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 2389

I love it because narrator David Attenborough can make a colony of cockroaches feeding on a hundred-meter- high mound of bat dung sound like the most wonderful thing in the world,

just lovely

Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 2473

So ready with the answers, we didn’t know what the questions were anymore.


Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 2520

But the truth is, I’ve found people to be much more receptive to the gospel when they know becoming a Christian doesn’t require becoming a know-it-all.

good to know

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My hope is that if I am patient, the questions themselves will dissolve into meaning, the answers won’t matter so much anymore, and perhaps it will all make sense to me on some distant, ordinary day.


Highlight (Yellow) and Note | Location 2577

If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that serious doubt — the kind that leads to despair — begins not when we start asking God questions but when, out of fear, we stop.

wondering more