Giving a LIFE talk

person or other delivery method

scared? - use impersonal aids or sit with your back to the audience

try being seated and also moving around

single or others included

Powerpoint and slide productions

Don’t imagine you said it = they got it

Don’t imagine some can’t remember and grasp every syllable

Expect stimulation effects that arouse some in audience

Seniors can be polite and still get their point across

Seniors can question extensively and deeply

It may be necessary to ask other people for input to keep focus alive

Consider including TED talks or YouTube clips

It’s normal to be unhappy with your presentation afterwards

•See, for instance, Parker Palmer’s “The Courage to Teach”

•Experienced and admired teacher often feels down after a presentation

Numbering your audience

•Don’t let number of attendees be your guide

•Expect about half of those registered

•People are busy, forgetful and subject to emergencies and surprises

Take a look at my tv series

•I teach statistics for 20+ years

•Sunday morning

•Series fills a purpose but it is not fun or thrilling

•No sexy dresses or car crashes

Getting into the LIFE program

•Use the link (UWSP, Academics, Continuing Ed, Enrich life)

•Title, description in 2 or 3 sentences, equipment desired

•Number of sessions (1 ?) and length (90 min?)

Have a curriculum committee contact

You can offer info beforehand

•You can get emails of those registered

Put slide info high on top

Use large letters

Keep an eye on your time

•Start on time, end on time

•Ask host or friend to stand at 10 min. left

  • Don't fret if you don't use all of your time

Avoid “very quickly”

•Just be quick

•Don’t call attention to how fast you are going

Most people allow interruptions

•If they get too numerous, stop taking questions and comments

Be prepared to talk afterwards

•Don’t try to utter immortal words

•You might but you won’t know it

Curriculum committee

•Chairs listed in program, which is online

•Currently, Jan Seiler and Lynn Kirby

•Avoid advertising, partisan politics

•Avoid practical stuff (Lincoln Center material)

Contact a curriculum committee member to say what you want

•Committee members traditionally shepherd an idea and will help you

You can have many questions answered by “the office” of Jennifer Hess and Kim O’Flaherty and intern (Amanda David)

•Office has other duties than L.I.F.E.

When ?

•Don’t forget that the scheduling is always ahead by a semester

•This spring, the fall 2014 schedule will be created

•Usually about 80 or 90 sessions in a semester


•Fadner - religion

•Herman - philosophy

•Haney – natural resources

•Sadler - nutrition