Google blogs and websites

Google Blogs and Web Sites


To have your stuff out there

To store stuff where you can get it

Here, “stuff” means writing or images, maybe videos

What is a blog?

Comes from web log

Think of a newpaper column

Can contain whatever you want

Tends to contain individual POSTS

POSTS are usually chronologically listed

What is a web site?

A place you can “go to” on the world wide web using a program called a BROWSER

Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge

Safari on Macs and Apple products

Google’s Chrome

Think of a filing cabinet

No ironclad difference between blogs and sites

More common to have links between “pages” on a site than between blog posts

I am talking Google but

Many free blogging services, such as WordPress

Many free web site hosting services are mentioned in a Google search of “free web hosting services

I am not about business or money

If you are interested in more income, the internet may be a place to get some

I doubt if it is easy

Probably depends on your imagination, manners, good sense and persistence