Family Tree Ministry

One of the most beautiful pictures of God's love in action is seeing a healthy family that loves God and loves each other. They also have a legacy of family members that are strong in faith and it's contagious. This is a strong and stable family tree that will last for generations. We are convicted to work with families to help them to achieve this. This is important to me personally because I have seen how hard it is to do ministry when I can't work with the entire family. Church leaders and pastors understand the struggles of just working with one group of the family but not the whole family unit. It seems like there isn't much progress with the families in the church because we are not working with the entire family. It's an endless cycle. If the whole family doesn't have a plan to build a strong family tree for God, it may not happen. There are so many broken families, but we can break that trend. If your family desires to build a strong family tree then just contact us and we will meet your family to discuss setting up a plan to achieve this.

We have three steps: Planting, Deep Roots, and Re-Planting.

1. Planting: Simple family worship (Praise, Message, QT and Sharing, and Prayer). It's simple yet powerful when done on a weekly basis. This will be your family worship or "Planting". As you meet every week, you should see and hear growth in every member of your family including you, the parents.

2. Deep Roots: Reading Christian biographies (We have a resource that you can buy that includes 49 books). This will help build strong character in everyone. It's easy reading but also very entertaining. My wife and I personally love these books. They have challenged us and inspired us. These books are also educational and will teach the whole family how God has moved throughout history - America and abroad. You will see your family become stronger and more stable.

3. Re-Planting: This is simply to instill in your kids the importance to continue the "planting" and "deep roots" when they have their family. If they continue to do this when they are adults and parents, they will help continue this for their kids.

In my opinion, the greatest way to teach your kids is by example. We recommend starting this with you family right away. I believe building a strong Godly family is the answer to build a strong future.

If you are interested in this Family Tree Ministry, please contact us and we will help you get started.