STUDENT Life in vienna

Staying Safe in Vienna

Safety Tips

  • Do not carry your passport with you. MAKE A PHOTOCOPY to carry with you at all times.

  • Memorize the emergency number (911 equivalent): it's 112 in Austria and throughout the European Union

  • Have the staff’s phone numbers with you at all times.

  • Be cautious with alcohol consumption. Being openly drunk increases risks.

  • A photocopy of your passport will work as an ID. Do not carry the original with you unless you are traveling to another country.

  • Be cautious in crowded areas like metro stations and trains.

  • Tourists are an easy target. Try not to leave your bag on the back of a chair or on the floor and do not leave your belongings unattended. Thieves also like places that are popular for tourists, such as McDonalds or Starbucks.

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