Проєкт Мобільна digital-студія інклюзивного абітурієнта "ТВОЯ ПРОФЕСІЙНА ПЕРСПЕКТИВА"

У вересні 2020 року та розпочато підготовчий етап реалізації загальноакадемічного грантового проєкту Мобільна digital-студія інклюзивного абітурієнта "ТВОЯ ПРОФЕСІЙНА ПЕРСПЕКТИВА" та подано заявку на отримання грантового фінансування від Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation

Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SlovakAid)

Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC) is responsible for managing bilateral and trilateral development projects within the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. SAIDC represents an administrative and contracting unit for bilateral programming; its responsibilities include contracting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of bilateral and trilateral development projects.

Programmes managed by the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation

Development Cooperation with Program Countries (Afghanistan, Kenya, Moldova, South Sudan*)Cooperation with Project Countries by transferring the transition experience (West Balkans, countries of the EU’s Eastern Partnership, countries of the EU’s Southern Neighborhood, CETIR)Humanitarian AidODA Capacity building, Public Awareness and Developmental EducationSupporting programmes (EU Development Projects co-financing, Small-grants, Volunteer Programme)


Official Development Assistance of the Slovak Republic is an intrinsic instrument of the Slovak foreign policy, which to a large extent shapes Slovakia’s relations with aid recipients and relevant international organizations. Having committed itself to the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals, Slovakia shares the responsibility for global development and poverty reduction endeavors in developing countries, aiming to promote their sustainable development.

Territorial Priorities of the Slovak ODA

Programme countries: Afghanistan, Kenya, MoldovaProject countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo*,UkraineA country with exceptional humanitarian and development needs: South Sudan

Goals of the Slovak Development Assistance

Slovak official development assistance goals are defined by Act No. 617/2007 Coll. on Official Development Assistance, National Official Development Assistance Programme and the Millennium Development Goals.

Major goals of the Slovak Official Development Assistance

Reducing poverty and hunger in developing countriesPromoting sustainable economic, social, and environmental development in developing countriesEnsuring global peace and security, in particular by enhancing democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and good governance in developing countriesPromoting universal access to education in developing countriesImproving the quality of basic healthcare services in developing countriesPromoting economic cooperation with developing countriesRaising public awareness of the developing countries’ needs and of the developmental assistance provided by Slovakia