Greenwich Maths Time

Rob Eastaway

The IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

Are You Nice Or Nasty? Maths and Game Theory

Rob Eastaway

Tuesday: 10 am

Wednesday: 10 am and 1 pm

These workshops are not suitable for students below year 9.

Rob has written (or co-written) seven maths books aimed at the general public, of which two have been bestsellers selling over 100,000 copies worldwide (Why do Buses Come in Threes? and Maths for Mums and Dads). He is Director of Maths Inspiration, a national programme of theatre-based lecture shows for teenagers. He is also puzzle adviser to New Scientist magazine, and wrote 100 Maddening Mindbending Puzzles with David Wells. He was President of the Mathematical Association from 2007-8, and in 2016 received the prestigious Zeeman medal for excellence in the promotion of maths.

Find out more about Rob.

For further information or to contact the organisers email