Greenwich Maths Time

The Mathematical Assocation

The IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

The Mathematical Association

Tuesday and Wednesday

Meet the Mathematical Association and find out about their publications including SYMmetryplus and Mathematical Pie.

The Mathematical Association exists to support and promote confidence and enjoyment in mathematics for all, and especially young people. It does this through interacting with teachers and others, including young people themselves, via its publications and resources, workshops, conferences, professional development provision, nation-wide branches, and interactions with the media. It works to influence mathematics education policy in evidence-based ways that support the development of a mathematically-enabled confident and interested population.

Members of The Mathematical Association include teachers and other education professionals, mathematicians, students, parents, employers and others, largely in the UK but across the world. It is the oldest established subject association in the UK, having been founded in 1871 as the 'Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching’.

For further information or to contact the organisers email