Greenwich Maths Time

James Grime

The IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

Enigma and the secret world of codes and code breaking

James Grime

Tuesday: 11 am and 1 pm (both fully booked for school parties)

Wednesday: 11 am and 1 pm

Suitable for all age groups

James is a mathematician with a personal passion for maths communication and the promotion of mathematics in schools and to the general public.

He is known for his mathematical videos on youtube channels singingbanana and Numberphile.

James has a PhD in mathematics and his academic interests include group theory (the mathematics of symmetry) and combinatorics (the mathematics of networks and solving problems with diagrams and pictures). He also has a keen interest in cryptography (the mathematics of codes and secret messages), probability (games, gambling and predicting the future) and number theory (the properties of numbers).

For further information or to contact the organisers email