Greenwich Maths Time

Drop-in Activities

The IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

University of Greenwich, Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 June 2019

This page will list all the drop-in activities which are taking place over the two days of the Festival, with links to further information. Since events will continue to be added in the run-up to the Festival, keep watching this page! Daytime talks and workshops, and the Tuesday evening special lecture, are listed separately. All information is provisional and the organisers reserve the right to make changes to the programme.

The Festival hours are 10 am to 3 pm on each day.

Drop-in Activities

Custard and Fluid Dynamics - did you know you can walk on custard? Try for yourself!

Mirror Pillar - explore the maths of distorted reflections!

Maths in Action - hands-on mathematical activities from the University of Greenwich and the IMA

Chalkdust - can you beat MENACE at noughts and crosses? (Tuesday only)

The OR Society - meet The OR Society and explore the maths of the Lego Furniture Factory

The Mathematical Association - meet the MA and learn about their magazines!

MathsWorldUK - activities and demonstrations

Maths of image segmentation with the University of Brighton - how maths helps picture editing

Treasure Hunt - solve the clues and break the code!

University of Greenwich Campus Tours - explore the campus with a Greenwich student!

Posters and Videos - displays featuring current mathematics research

For further information or to contact the organisers email