Greenwich Maths Time

Maths Options Post 16

The IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

Maths Options Post 16

James Morris (AMSP) and Alison Terry (AMSP)

Tuesday: 11 am

Wednesday: 11am

This talk will look at the maths options available to students beyond GCSE including the utility of maths to support other subjects and career choices. Examples of the maths covered in Core Maths, A Level Maths and Further Maths will be included. This session is intended for students who should start considering their choices for post 16 maths, but have not yet decided what to study (suggested audience: years 9 and 10).

James Morris is an Advanced Maths Support Programme (AMSP) Area Co-ordinator based at the University of Greenwich.

Alison Terry was formerly a Further Mathemartics Support Programme Area Co-ordinator and now works for AMSP in Sussex and Portsmouth.

For further information or to contact the organisers email