Greenwich Maths Time


The IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

Chalkdust - a magazine for the mathematically curious

Can you beat MENACE?

Tuesday only

Chalkdust will bring MENACE (the Machine-Educable Noughts and Crosses Engine) to the Festival. MENACE is an example of analogue machine learning, and over the course of the festival it will learn to play noughts and crosses against festival attendees.

Chalkdust is a mathematics magazine. It’s not a journal, and it’s not a textbook. It’s a collection of articles, features and pictures that we think are interesting, fun, or thought-provoking.

Chalkdust is a place for five-minute articles over coffee, and fiendishly hard puzzles that will entertain you for a week. It’s a place for interviews with interesting people around our field, and getting relationship advice from dead mathematicians. Find out more.

For further information or to contact the organisers email