Greenwich Maths Time

Jonathan Histed

The IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

Why do pigs and boomerangs fly? Find out, and make a boomerang!

Jonathan Histed

Tuesday: 12 noon and 2 pm (both fully booked for school parties)

Wednesday: 12 noon and 2 pm

Suitable for years 9 and above

Jonathan Histed demystifies gyroscopes and rotational dynamics, showing why pigs and boomerangs fly in circles. An interactive session with counter intuitive demos, culminating in understanding, building and flying your own cardboard boomerang.

Jonathan has a degree in Mathematics and Computation from Oxford. He likes the intersection of creativity, science and maths where invention comes alive and enjoys making mathematical concepts comprehensible and fun for everyone through demonstrations. He runs several businesses, including commercialising two patents concerning his invention for making ice skaters skate faster.

For further information or to contact the organisers email