Greenwich Maths Time

Ioanna Georgiou

The IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

Peculiar Deaths of Famous Mathematicians

Ioanna Georgiou

Wednesday: 10 am and 12 noon

Because of its subject matter, this workshop is unsuitable for younger students.

Ioanna Georgiou will discuss some mathematicians who will not only be remembered for their mathematical advancements, but also for their peculiar deaths; some of those gravely miscalculated!

Ioanna (transliterated to Yo-Anna) has been teaching mathematics ever since she finished her mathematics degree - and maybe a bit before then! The eternal truth found in mathematics fascinates her. Her special interest is around the use of history and cultural practices in the mathematics teaching which she developed further through postgraduate studies. This led to her becoming involved in delivering masterclasses and workshops on 'Stories from Maths' for the Royal Institution of Great Britain and also independently. Her book Mathematical Adventures! will be out shortly. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and a Chartered Mathematics Teacher.

For further information or to contact the organisers email