Greenwich Maths Time

The OR Society

The IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

The Lego Furniture Factory with The OR Society

Tuesday and Wednesday

In our workshop you can make small tables and chairs out of Lego, which we’ll provide for you. Work out the maximum pieces of furniture you can make, the minimum it will cost you and how to optimise the process using maths, science and operational research (OR). Who will create the most productive factory formula with the least expense?

Operational research (OR) is the science of better decision-making.

The Operational Research Society is a charity set up to advance knowledge, interest and education in OR. Its vision is of a world improved by rigorous analysis and better, evidence-based decision-making. Its goal is to see operational research used and acknowledged widely in all areas of industry, business, government, the community and the third sector.

For further information or to contact the organisers email