Festival Sponsors

The IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

We are grateful to the sponsors who have made this Festival possible:

We are also grateful to an anonymous donor for a very generous donation.

The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) exists to support the advancement of mathematical knowledge and its applications and to promote and enhance mathematical culture in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, for the public good.

It is the professional and learned society for qualified and practising mathematicians, with a membership of around 5,000 comprising of mathematicians from all sectors, as well as those with an interest in mathematics.

The University of Greenwich is No.1 in London for student satisfaction in Mathematics (The Complete University Guide 2018). An innovative approach to teaching, a friendly and supportive environment and a beautiful campus close to the City of London and Canary Wharf are just a few of the reasons maths at Greenwich regularly tops the league tables for student satisfaction.

Our range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are designed to provide the academic and practical skills employers want with an emphasis on the application of mathematics in areas such as finance, statistics and operational research.

The Advanced Maths Support Programme (AMSP) is a Department for Education funded project managed by MEI which aims to increase participation in Core Maths, AS/A Level Maths & Further Maths.

The AMSP provides a wide range of professional development in a variety of formats to support:

  • Higher Tier GCSE Mathematics
  • Core Maths
  • AS/A Level Mathematics & Further Mathematics

The AMSP also provides student support for university admissions test, and enrichment opportunities including the Year 10 Maths Feast & Senior Team Mathematics Challenge.

To ensure that you don’t miss out on opportunities available through the AMSP, you should check that you are subscribed to AMSP updates and have a look at the events page.

If you wish to find out how the AMSP can support your school/college you should contact your local area coordinator.

Operational research (OR) is the science of better decision-making.

The Operational Research Society is a charity set up to advance knowledge, interest and education in OR. Its vision is of a world improved by rigorous analysis and better, evidence-based decision-making. Its goal is to see operational research used and acknowledged widely in all areas of industry, business, government, the community and the third sector.

FDM Group is a global professional services provider with a focus on IT and business recruitment for graduates and veterans.

The Mathematical Association exists to support and promote confidence and enjoyment in mathematics for all, and especially young people. It does this through interacting with teachers and others, including young people themselves, via its publications and resources, workshops, conferences, professional development provision, nation-wide branches, and interactions with the media. It works to influence mathematics education policy in evidence-based ways that support the development of a mathematically-enabled confident and interested population.

Members of The Mathematical Association include teachers and other education professionals, mathematicians, students, parents, employers and others, largely in the UK but across the world. It is the oldest established subject association in the UK, having been founded in 1871 as the 'Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching’.

For further information or to contact the organisers email mathscentre@gre.ac.uk.