Greenwich Maths Time

Katie Chicot

The IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications

To Infinity and Beyond!

Katie Chicot (MathsWorldUK)

Tuesday: 12 noon and 2pm

These workshops are suitable for students in Year 9 and above.

The infinitely large and the infinitely small are mind-blowing concepts that have helped mathematicians to solve some very real, and finite, problems. Katie Chicot explores the mysteries and mis-conceptions of infinity, from ancient puzzles to some of the very latest mathematical research, taking you to infinity…and beyond.

Dr Katie Chicot is CEO of MathsWorldUK and Senior Lecturer Staff tutor in Mathematics and Statistics at the Open University

“I am passionate about the MathsWorldUK project to create the UK’s first Mathematics Discovery Centre. Tackling mathematical problems and encouraging others to engage with mathematical investigations are the cornerstones of my work.

I have used all sorts of means of communicating mathematics, including co-creating the series Patterns of life for the Open University’s YouTube channel, captaining the OU’s team on BBC2’s Beat the Brain, participating in Facebook events and, more seriously, as academic consultant to BBC Radio 4’s More or Less.

My most recent venture is the creation of a maths/brain teaser app called Perplex, which is available on the App Store and Google Play. This was collaboration with the UK Mathematics Trust, with whom I have worked for many years.”

For further information or to contact the organisers email