Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu Linux

How to Install latest version of Google Chrome on Ubuntu Linux

by Hari Shyam · Published Sep 14, 2018 · Updated 14 sep, 2018

Google Chrome is an open source web broswer from google. It allows the users to surf internet / web faster,safer & easier. Google Chrome package is not available in the default repositories of Ubuntu. So to install chrome , we have to first download the debain package from google iteself.

Use the below steps to install Google chrome in Ubuntu (14.04 / 16.04 LTS ).

Step:1 Download debian package of google chrome

Open the url “” and download the chrome package as shown below :

Step:2 Install .deb file using dpkg command

# sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb            // In case of 64 bit

# sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb              // In case of 32 bit

Step:3 If You get Below error While installing Chrome :

“errors were encountered while processing”

Then use the below command

# sudo apt-get -f install          

 // this command will fix the error & will install the chrome

Step:4 Now access web site using google Chrome

Open the Terminal use below URL :

# google-chrome

Or use GUI option > Press Windows key > Type Google

Preview of Google Chrome :