The Thule Society

Superiority in all things

Originally known as the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum, or Study Group for Germanic Antiquity, the Thule Society was an occult group founded in 1918 after the end of the First World War. Its early members were largely veterans of the war who were also wakers (humans aware of the supernatural world.) They were founded under a series of beliefs, most notable being that Germany only lost the war because the Supernatural world was aligned against the Reich. The Thule also believed the Aryan race wasn't pure human, but descended from the Giants of Thule, an ancient race worshipped as gods by early man, who taught humanity the secrets of magic and metallurgy.

The Thule's beliefs were somewhat aligned with those of the German Workers' Party, and so the two merged in 1920, forming the National Socialist German Workers Party, better known as the Nazis. Officially, the Thule Society was dissolved in 1925, because Hitler wasn't big on the whole occultism thing. However, many other members of the Nazi Party agreed with the Thule's belief that the Supernatural world was aligned against the goals of the German People. Therefor, the Thule became, essentially, a secret society within the Nazi Party. The Thule worked in secret, as they didn't want to alert the Veil to their actions. However, they conducted numerous expeditions in hopes of obtaining powerful, ancient relics, such as the Holy Grail, the Spear of Destiny, and the Ring of the Nibelungs. The Thule also sought out Atlantis, Shambhala, the entrance to Hollow Earth, and the frozen cities beneath Antarctica.

When the Second World War began, the Thule unleashed magic on a scale unseen since the Northern Crusades. They cloaked Nazi battalions in fog, hiding their movements. They manipulated the weather to harm enemy armies. They even animated the dead in numerous cases. Most notably, they dropped runic bombs on London, the headquarters of the Veil Treaty, unleashing dozens of demons on the British capital. It was only through monumental effort that the Veil wasn't shattered, and Britons remained largely unaware of the magical war fought in the shadows of their capital.

The Thule's Antarctic bases in New Swabia were a hub of occult research, where horrific experiments were performed on both supernaturals and humans, in an attempt to defeat the forces of the Veil and create the perfect Ubermensch. When it became clear in 1944 that the Nazis were falling, the Thule made a desperate gamble, and moved their Antarctic bases to the dark side of the moon, where they hide to this day, biding their time.

In the decades since, the Thule have developed a few ships that allow them to travel from their moon bases to Earth. However, they are aware that militaristically, they have fallen far behind their terrestrial counterparts in America, Russia, and even the hated Jews, who now have their own state... and nuclear weapons (probably!). Therefor, they have devoted their efforts to achieving magical supremacy, continuing to abduct mundane humans and supernaturals for experiments and breeding programs.

Because the Veil Treaty proved either unwilling or incapable of combating the Thule, the various mundane governments of the world created their own occult intelligence programs, such as the United Kingdoms' MI18, France's Direction générale de la sécurité extraordianire (DGSX), Russia's Krasnaya Biblioteka (Red Library), and the American Majestic-12 (run by the Air Force, with collaboration from the Army and Navy) and Department-7 (run by the CIA). Thanks to the Thule, mundane governments now consider the supernatural to be a direct threat to their continued existence, a weapon which can be used against them, and thus have taken actions to oppose these threats wherever they arise.

And the Thule continue to watch on from above, slowly putting into action their plans to claim the world for the Aryan people once and for all.