Welcome to the
Horror Shop
Remember every urban legend you ever heard
Every story about secret societies, ancient relics, and the occult
About unexplained events, alien abductions, and things that go bump in the night
It's all true
All the myths are true. The history of the world is not as you know it.
Atlantis really did sink beneath the waves. Aliens really did crash at Roswell, New Mexico. Arthur ruled over Camelot. The Tower of Babel never fell. Ancient cities lie buried beneath the Antarctic ice. The Illuminati placed their eye on the American Greenback. A dead god lies dreaming beneath the sea. Eleven days are missing. Jack the Ripper will kill again. Loki lies chained beneath the World Tree. Dracula rests in London. Guardian angels protect special children. Dragons control Wall Street. The number 23 has been placed everywhere as a warning. The bees are vanishing. Cities hide on the dark side on the Moon. The fairy kingdoms are girding for war. The Bermuda Triangle hides a hole in space and time. The FBI has verified that miracles are continuing to occur. Vampires control that nightclub downtown. That house is haunted. Magic exists. There really is a monster in your closet.
This is our Earth, only stranger. Where magic and the supernatural are very real, only hidden behind the Veil from mundane eyes. It's a world where "here be dragons" is still scrawled across areas of the map, from ancient temples from the age of Atlantis and Midgard, to mystical islands hidden by enchantment for centuries, to the far reaches of the worlds of spirits, fey, and jinn. It's a world of intrigue, where ancient conspiracies battle it out for power and influence, and where a corporate takeover is merely another move in a war that has gone back centuries. It's a world of mystery, where secrets from previous ages lie just waiting to be uncovered, from the truth of the Pyramids to the location of El Dorodo to the true fate of Elvis. It's a world where adventure awaits just outside your door, down the street, and around a bend that wasn't there yesterday.
It's a weird and wonderful world out there, filled with magic and danger, and what I've told you is only the start.