The Bermuda Triangle
It's commonly believed that the area currently known as the Bermuda Triangle was at one point the heart of the Atlantean Empire, and was perhaps the epicentre for the Flood that ended the Age of Myths. Some of the old magic lingers there, creating rifts in space and time that allow paradoxes from alternate universes, other times, and even the Outside to slip through.
Since the 1960s, an alliance of several occult organizations including the Blackcloaks (aka the Men in Black), the Orders of Atlantis, Majestic-12 and the Illuminati established a series of stabilizers in Bermuda, southern Florida, the Bahamas and Puerto Rico. These stabilizers have greatly reduced incidents of magical anomalies and paradoxes. However, recent surveys of the region have shown that the arcane energies are building up beneath the seal established by these societies, and unless some of this energy is allowed to vent, the entire system could be facing cataclysmic failure.
What's even worse? We haven't figured out how to "safely" release the energy.