
Hunters appear to be completely normal wakers--humans aware of the supernatural.

However, the more you watch them, the more you realize they're something more--or less--than human. They are incredibly driven and focused, almost single-minded in their drive to destroy the monsters. Despite whatever their goals and personality may have been in the past, they almost always drop everything, sever all ties, and dedicate themselves to the hunt.

Regardless of appearances, hunters tend to be in peak human condition--stronger, faster, tougher, smarter than your average human. Not enough to stand against a werewolf or vampire in hand-to-hand, but enough to survive the encounter and get out alive. Their anima reserves are increased, and they can use this to preform superhuman feats of strength and endurance, as well as subtly influence luck around them so things tend to wind up in their favour. Nothing overtly magical, more along the lines of an odd strong of coincidences that only really appear if you 're on the lookout for them. They also have an uncanny knack for being able to pick out a supernatural in a crowd, piercing straight through their personal veil to the creature within.

It's unknown where most of these powers come from. Some scholars believe it's from a psychic rejection of the true world, a desire to reseal the Veil and return to "normal." Others believe the Veil empowers humans to protect it when it is in risk of failing. Others argue that the humters are the angel's agents on Earth, meant to keep the supernatural world cowering in the shadows. Still others believe that hunters are a plot by demons to strike at the supernatural world when it's down.

Regardless of their origins, most hunters spend the rest of their lives chasing down the creatures of the night--be they fey, spirit, mage, undead, or something else. They form networks and conspiracies, sharing knowledge, rumours, weapons, and tactics. Most hunters hunt alone, or in a small group of no more than a half-dozen. Any more and they stop flying under the radar, bringing the Veil Treaty down on them.

See, the hunters wizened up a long time ago that the government is riddled through with agents of the monsters they're hunting--and thus they're rather adamant in staying out of the eyes of "big brother." They use the darknet, safehouses, burner phones, fake IDs, shell companies, and other tricks to keep out of sight until it's time to strike. Ironically, hunters make effective use of the infrastructure the supernatural world set up to hide themselves from the prying eyes of humanity to strike at the supernatural world and try to tear it down.

Most hunters rarely survive more than a decade after their awakening--and most who do are incredibly powerful, and incredibly dangerous, with bounties in the millions placed on their heads by the Veil. In other cases, a hunter may tire of the constant slaughter and danger, and give up the hunt. Maybe they will have finally found vengeance, maybe they will have found a supernatural being that awakened their empathy, maybe the bloodlust just finally goes away. These hunters lose most of their strange powers, and become completely mundane humans, their hunts ended. Of course, they retain the tactics and knowledge they learnt while on the hunt, and so are still rather dangerous. Most of these find work with the various conspiracies such as the Illuminati, the Knights Templar, or the Hashshashin, using their knowledge towards ends which don't always end in murder.