
Adam's First Wife, Queen of Night, Mother of Monsters, Ki-Sikil-Lil-La-Ke, Old Screech Owl, Archmage of Creation--Lilith has as many titles under her belt as centuries. Perhaps the oldest living human in existence, Lilith has dedicated herself to bringing ruin upon the sons and daughters of Eve.

It is said that Lilith was seduced by Samael, an angelic assassin whose very whispers were poison. In return, Lilith took the secrets of enochian magic from Samael--the magic of the angels that would form the basis of much of humanity's magic. However, for bringing this forbidden magic into Eden, for violating her vows to Adam, and for refusing to bow and ask forgiveness, she was exiled and branded a demon.

She's has not yet forgiven humanity for the slight.

In some traditions, it is said she found the body of Cain after the first murderer finally gave into his grief and committed suicide. Unwilling to let such a precious resource go to waste, she tapped into the holy energies of the Empyrean and perverted it, drawing Cain's soul back to his dead body and turning him into her own angel of death, the first alukah, blood sucker, vampire. And its not just vampires Lilith is associated with--nearly every monster has been tied to her in the past. It was Lilith who, in a battle with Luna, corrupted the blessing of the moon-spirit's favoured children, werewolves, so their bites infected humanity with a rabid, basal form of lycanthropy. Lilith was the one who seduced the Queen of Air and Darkness and corrupted her into the wicked queen of Winter she is today. Lilith was the one who taught the Bogeyman the secret paths of the Netherworld, allowing him to unite horrorkind beneath his violet banner. It was she who whispered secrets to the early Templars, corrupting them down the occult paths which almost destroyed them. It was Lilith who encouraged the Atlanteans to reach too high and invoke the flood that ended the Age of Myths. If you look hard enough, it was Lilith. Or so the paranoid conspiracies go.

Regardless of how many of these stories are accurate or not, the truth remains that Lilith is one of the most powerful archmagi in existence. Her particular affinity is to the magics of creation. She can create something from nothing--an apple appears under her robe, offered to the hungry traveller. A sword is handed to a warrior in need. A city is bequeathed to the noble who swears over the souls of his family. A plague is spread among a populace, causing the downfall of an entire society. A race of monsters is pulled straight from the nightmares of mankind, and assails us when we least expect it. But Lilith's blessings always bear with them a hidden curse. Even her allies will eventually fall victim to her twisted desires.

Because make no mistake--Lilith has no friends, no allies. She is here to make us all suffer, as she suffered. And she has suffered for millennia. And the wrath of the First Woman will not be tempered until we are all as broken as she is.