The Pyramidion
The mysterious head of the Illuminati, nobody really knows who--or even what--the Pyramidion is. He might be an archmage of divination, or a sentient AI, or a spirit of knowledge, or a cyclopes from the age of myth. Whatever he is though, he is an incredibly skilled diviner and seer--perhaps the greatest seer in the world today. These visions have also made him a little... odd. His way of communicating is incredibly casual, and he will casually reference the deeply held personal secrets of those he is talking to as if they were common knowledge, while somehow completely misusing popular culture and slang. He will speak cryptically of his visions, before going on a long-winded ramble about how much he hates the Hashshashin for foiling the Illuminati's plans to make the McRib available year-round.
The Pyramidion communicates directly with agents through phone calls, emails, text messages, letters, or, occasionally, dreams, where he appears as the Eye of Providence, sharing wisdom from on high. However, his messages are just as likely to appear in a news story that happened to be placed in the right place at the right time for an agent to see exactly what he needs, or perhaps inscribed in an instruction book left in a locked desk for the past decade, or spray painted on a wall in a dark alley. He makes extensive use of the Illuminati's connections to make certain his society's agents get the information they need exactly when they need it. And perhaps the most disturbing thing is that he has often flawlessly executed plans that have taken decades to set up. A particular article in a twelve-year-old copy of Reader's Digest leads someone to the derelict location of a former restaurant, where they find an old gun, loaded with silver bullets--right before a werewolf attacks them for being in their pack's territory on the night of the full moon, leading this random bystander to just so happen to take out the alpha of a pack that was limiting Illuminati expansion in the area.
There's a reason that under his watchful gaze, the Illuminati has recovered from the embarrassments of the past to actively choosing the next President of the United States. After all, Evan McMullin wouldn't have gotten there without them... even if he doesn't know it yet.
And if you happen to betray him or his society, well... that usually turns out very poorly for you. As a powerful seer with access to a global agency with its tentacles woven throughout politics, business, education, entertainment, law enforcement, and religion, there is frankly no place on Earth to hide from him. He can always see you. He is the All-Seeing Eye in the Sky, after all.