
Michael the Archangel, the angel of courage, war, fire, and the sun, commander of the holy armies of the Empyrean Realm, and opener of the holy can of whoopass.

Michael has stood at the borders of reality and told the likes of Azazoth, Yog-Sothoth, and Shub-Niggurath "you shall not pass!" and then proceeded to beat them with his blazing sword until even the Blind Idiot God got the message--if they're going to do something about Earth, they're going to have to do so without alerting that damned buzzing gnat with the really annoying sting.

Generally, Michael's too concerned with cosmic, big-picture issues like the Outer Gods and Demon Princes to deal with small issues--so if you piss him off, you're probably causing significant enough ruckus to be a threat to reality. And in that case, Michael doesn't take any chances--he just goes full ham, and leaves a smoking crater where you once stood.

That's why most of the villains only try the whole "take over the world" thing in the Horror Shop 'verse--attempting to destroy it or corrupt it could very well result in you staring in the eyes of the one who threw Satan himself out of the High Heavens.