
Ghosts are one of the most common supernatural creatures you can encounter in the world of Horror Shop. Haunted houses, graveyards, mines and battlefields abound if you know where to look...

Ghosts are formed when the soul of a dead individual cannot pass on through the Paths of the Dead, and thence down to the Underworld, because of fetters that still tie them to the world of the living. These fetters are most typically emotional ties: a longing for a loved one, a burning desire for vengeance against those perceived as their killers, a need to protect something of grave importance or abject terror at the thought of passing beyond the mortal realm. At other times, ghosts are fettered by other circumstances, such as dying on cursed ground, or with a binding promise unfulfilled, or because of a curse that lingers on their soul, or because they have been bound by a dark mage. Regardless of the reasons why, ghosts become, in effect, spirits who incarnate the idea of themselves, an echo lingering on through the years.

As for their powers? Well, like most spirits, ghosts exhibit a wide range of powers based on their own individual natures, so it can be difficult to pin down what a particular ghost can and cannot do without knowing their histories and the nature of their fetters. The only really universal power possessed by ghosts involves existing out of phase with the physical world. As spirits fettered to the mortal world, ghosts exist with one foot in the mortal realm, and another foot in the Ether, the borderlands of the spirit world. This gives them the power to perceive the mortal world and its inhabitants without being seen by those dwelling on that plane. Otherwise, powers such as manifestation, possession, telekinesis, pyromancy, technomancy, weather manipulation, animal control, and the like all develop based on the individual ghost's nature.