
Be they called mages, wizards, sorcerers, witches, magicians, arcanists, wu jen, or some other term that has since been ripped from history and turned into a class in some RPG somewhere, mages are those humans who can twist the veil between the various worlds through ritual and spell to create all sorts of magical effects. Most mages have magical potential in their bloodline, their power and traditions passed down through the ages through various mage clans. However, it is possible for some mundane humans, especially those with sharp minds and incredible dedication, to learn the arcane secrets. Of course, it's argued by some more traditionalist sorcerers that these "hedge mages" had the magical potential within them all along, but the fact remains that studying the arcane arts is one of the few ways a mortal can become a member of the supernatural world.

There are two ways for a mundane human to become a mage:

  • They could be born with the spark. Magic is in their blood, and regardless of their desires, they're gonna be a wizard when they grow up. For wizarding families and clans, this has lead to a history of careful breeding to ensure that the spark of magic remains true, and can be passed down through the ages. The primary cost of inherited magic is that its powers are largely tied into a family's legacy, one don't really get to choose what their inherited magic is. If one's from a family of necromancers,their powers are going to mostly involve the dead.
  • They can learn it. This option is chosen mostly by mundanes who stumble across the supernatural world, and don't like bringing a gun to a lightening bolt fight. However, this is an endeavour that takes years, or even decades, to grasp even the most basic magical theories. Unlike that kid from that pyromancer clan, a studying mage probably not going to be throwing fireballs around when you're 15... or 25 for that matter. However, the more scholarly traditions of magic are more varied, and this gives one the freedom to pick their own path of magical advancement, from artifice to shamanism to alchemy to numerology to astrology.