Dwarves are a type of fey, kin to brownies, kobolds, domovoy, and other household and crafting spirits. However, while these spirits usually work on a smaller scale, knitting scarves and mending shoes, dwarves operate on an entirely different scale. They are the forgers of legendary arms and armour. They carve great cities and kingdoms from the living stone itself. They are stronger than mortal men and elves, and can even stay a giant if needed. And when necessary, they will rally forth an army that rivals even those of the courts of the Sidhe--which is why most everybody tries to stay on the dwarves' good side.
Dwarves are the iconic "legendary craftsmen" of the fey. They are hard-working, driven, and jealous of their creations. They are loyal to their clan and people, but tend to view outsiders with suspicion. They rarely make alliances, but when they do, they will see such partnerships through to the bitter end.
Though the majority of dwarves are craftsmen, there are numerous knights, miners, and merchants among them. Indeed, these other professions are those that typically interact with the other races, as the craftsmen will rarely leave their homes and workshops, living their entire lives in their cities beneath the earth. Because of this isolation, dwarves are one of the few races to have their own discernibly unique culture, language, and history, little influenced by the other races or the humans of Earth.
That's not to say dwarves can't be found on Earth, as our modern world holds plenty of temptations for the stout folk, especially for their merchants. Dwarven craftsmen are also highly sought after by many occult corporations, and they will be paid a king's ransom should they choose to sign on with such a group.
The largest kingdom of the dwarves is Nidavellir, also called Svartalfheim, located beneath the Myrkheim, the highest mountains of Faerie. The king of Nidavellir is the sorcerer Hreidmar, who has had a hand in the creation of numerous artifacts of legends, from mystic ring Andvaranaut to Mjolnir itself. Under the millenia of his reign, Nidavellir has remained safely outside the conflicts between the Summer and Winter courts, as well as the intrigue of the human realm and other worlds. Though it has cost his people some wealth and prestige, he sees only an apocalyptic war on the horizon--one he believes his people will survive through digging deeper and preserving their ancient culture.