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People with Relating:

- Like to start friendships and keep them for a long time

- May enjoy having a wide circle of friends or a tight knit group of friends they can trust

- Can be a good "best friend" because they are likeable, trustworthy, and help others feel good about themselves

How to Lead People with Relating Strength

- Realize that this strength shows differently in different kids. Some work best in one-on-one situations, some work better in small groups, and some work best in large groups. Find the one that works best for them.

- Realize that their mood is dependent on their relationships with others and they will experience ups and downs. Feel free to talk to them about "how they or their friends are doing". Be ready to listen!

- Encourage them to look for the good in others and give compliments to their classmates everyday. They will feed off the challenge and enjoy looking at it as relationship building.

- Encourage them to be the welcoming committee for new students as they will usually be very welcoming and help new students feel at ease.