Making Music

Let's Make Some Music Together!

Science of Sound - What is Sound?

Science of Sound Quaver Video

How does sound work? What is the science behind it? Lower School Music Teacher Mrs. K introduces this fun introductory video to explain how sound is generated and even a bit about how your ear drum works. 

Sound Travel Through Different Mediums 

How does sound travel? Does the medium (or material) sound needs to travel through change what that sound will "sound" like? Lower School Music Teacher Mrs. K introduces this fun introductory video to explain how sound travels. 

Science of Sound - How Does Sound Travel.mp4
Science of Sound - Materials and Sound.mp4

Reverberation Video

What is reverberation? How does it change the sounds we hear? Lower School Music Teacher Mrs. K introduces another Quaver video to explain how sound reverberates, echos, bounces, and reflects through different materials. 

Get Inspired

View the Trailer for the Landfill Harmonic documentary. 

A group of Spanish-speaking students in Paraguay participate in a "recycled orchestra," building beautiful instruments from repurposed waste. 

Let's Make Musical Instruments Together! Use items found around your home to explore these 5 families of instruments.  

The Makey Makey is an awesome introductory circuit and coding tool. It can easily be used to extend your computer keyboard and create a variety of instruments, including the infamous Banana Piano. 

Use a variety of water levels in glasses to create your own xylophone and learn to play a basic song. 

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