3.5 Paper Tower

Can You Build The Tallest Tower Using Just Paper?

Can you bild a tall tower using only paper and tape? When we do this activity in the lab we offer students unlimited paper supply and 1 meter (about an arm's length) of tape. Using these supplies and your creativity - can  you build a tall tower? What kinds of structures should you include in the tower to make it sturdy? Does your paper pass the "breeze test" (if an adult stands a foot away from your tower and blows on it like candles on a birthday cake, does it blow over?)? Can you build a tower taller than you?

Scroll below for some paper tower building inspirations.  

Take a picture next to your tower and send your results to us at makerspace@hawken.edu 

Math Extensions

What type of shape makes the tallest & strongest tower: a triangle, rectangle, square, cylinder, or another kind of shape? 

Use a meterstick, ruler, measuring tape or a nonstandard unit of measurement (crayola markers, pencils, handlengths, etc), measure the HEIGHT, WIDTH, and DEPTH of your paper tower.

Share your project and making photos with us!

Email to makerspace@hawken.edu to feature on our Instagram

Tag @HawkenFabPlay in your photos/ instastories