Links & Resources from Other Maker Educators Around The World

Teaching Resources

Fab Play Maker Educator Institute  - Resource set from July 2020 Virtual Conference, Plus More

Virtual Maker Ed Unconference (June 2020) - Resource set for Maker Education during COVID and Remote Learning

Ongoing resource discussion thread among FabLab educators worldwide via the FabLab Google Group

Rob Morrill’s webpage of project ideas

Example FlipGrid project from John Baglio of students’ “Homemade Contraptions”

Rob Ives Paper Challenges

Innovation Curriculum from the Henry Ford - including a 20 hour class pack

Hong Kong International School Idea Studio webage with projects, ideas, etc 

Curiosity Machine Technovation Families - easy design challenges with items around the home

Exploratorium Tinkering Studio in San Francisco Hour of Code Lessons

Scratch Free block coding & tutorials, simple animations (students can build code together remotely, play and interact with each others’ videos) - running a free promo for all schools right now, let us know if we can set this up for your class

Code Monkey Game-Based Programming

Adaptive Design Association Online Video Library

Rubber Band Engineer book of challenges

LabXChange Science Enrichment Lessons 

Open-Ended Maker Ideas

Summer Programs

LINK to the Virtual Maker-Ed Unconference Shared notes on Summer Programs