KIND Project

KIND Project: Our Community Faces Outward During COVID-19

During their year-long work with Mr. K, Hawken First Graders have worked through questions on kindness: what does kindness look like? How can we show kindness? How does it feel when others are kind to us? 

We had hoped the culmination and showcase of their learning would be construction of a community kindness display in the Innovation Lab. In talking about ways to still honor their work during this time of Remote Learning, we came up with an alternate project that we'd like to open to the entire Hawken community. 

Our goal is to capture a photo of every one of our Lower School students participating in kind acts. Family members are welcome, too! Whatever you are able to do, given this time when we are all already feeling stretched and thin. Small or large, we know an essential part of our Hawken community is sharing kindness and acts of service toward others. Many of us have been missing this community rallying piece during this time of distancing and separation. We invite you to create a kind act and share that with us; we will compile all the photographs into a giant collage showcasing our community during this time.   

We would ideally like to receive as many photos from students as possible before the end of the school year (May 29). We will share out the community collage with everyone's photos once complete, over the summer. 

How to Submit Photos:


How To Take A Great Photo

In order to show the power of our community in the collage, we'd love to be able to see your face in the photo! Ideally, the photo you submit will feature:

Here are some examples of photos that have the right student-background ratio: 

Kindness Coloring Sheet (printable pdf)

We-Are-Kind-Coloring-Page-for-Kids pdf.pdf