Flyer: Knee Mods

Searching for inspiration to create your next flow? Become a part of the Mod Squad by creating a flow that would fit into this category! Email it in to us at and we will post it for you!

Straight Leg Flow

Intermediate. Armless when you're doing it right:) You can lock in those shoulders so they don't move. Make sure you have your needle.

Single Leg Flow for Flyer

Intermediate. Lots of core strength required for the flyer and a big happy baby for the base.

by Rosa performed by K and LaShelle

Single Leg Flow for Flyer

Intermediate/Advanced. 2 versions to try in this video! Requires significant arm strength for flyer and pressure to the one ankle.

These videos are only guides to help you keep doing what you love. Please use your doctors, your body workers and your own discernment when choosing what is right for you right now.