Remote/Online Learning

Welcome to the remote/online learning page, below are resources all pupils in Scotland can access to support their online education if learning from home.

West OS is a resource that all pupils across Scotland have access to and is really useful if you are learning from home and can't wait for a live lesson to start on e-sgoil. The video opposite contains instructions on how to add West OS to your glow account launch pad and how to access resources pertaining to your level of study. These resources will help you prepare for your lessons upon your return to school.

E-sgoil is the national e-learning provider for all school pupils across Scotland. It contains lots of useful resources including live study support lessons for senior phase pupils that can support you if you are currently learning from home. The video opposite will show you how to add e-sgoil to your glow launch pad and give you a brief overview of the important features of the e-sgoil website.