This page is designed to support your academic progression in a variety of ways. We have provided links to help you prepare for your exams and to help you understand the exam process as well as providing links to support your revision and quality of life within the school.

When attending after school clubs / activities make sure to sign in and out at the reception office.

Please also make a note of where you will be in case of of emergencies.

The Senior Phase starts in S4 until the point of exit from school.  

The linked document on the left hand side will give you information on what to expect during the senior phase and allows you to see more details on the specific subjects you intend on choosing.

Remote/Online Learning:

As a measure of support for our students we have introduced the Remote/Online Learning page. Please click the image opposite to visit the page.

Raising Awareness Student Wellbeing:

We put student health and wellbeing at the top of our priorities here at Elgin High School. Reflected in our ethos, vision and values and a key element of our school improvement plan we seek to raise awareness and continually develop support of student health and wellbeing.  This presentation was delivered to the Parent Forum and highlights our understanding and community approach in supporting the welfare of all our students.

The school library has a wide range of revision books and study guides. There are also copies of past papers. These can be used in the library or borrowed on overnight loan.

Glow is the Digital learning platform for Scotland. Glow services and materials are free to all students with a Glow login and can be accessed at anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

Experience some of the material provided by SCHOLAR covering a range of subjects such as Chemistry and Mathematics. Delve into learning materials and activities provided for teachers and students across Scotland.

Take a look at this helpful leaflet designed by other students and teachers to help you improve your grades.

Pick the three that will make the difference to your results!

This link will redirect you to our exam preparation page which contains guidelines on the examination process as well as links to websites to help you prepare.

The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) supports young people in making post-16 choices. It is an independent charity providing advice and admissions services to inspire and facilitate educational progression.