Upon entering our school each student will be assigned to a house based on the scottish isles featured below.

Throughout their time at EHS students can earn points for their house by competing in various activities or displaying excellent performance within the classroom.

These points are then collated and the house with the most points at the end of the year is awarded the renowned house trophy.

New House Groups – We have now shared with all students and staff information about our new House Groups. With the launch of our new House groups it is important that we move forward together as a whole school community to embed the new system in the daily life of Elgin High School.  This will take time to achieve and involve the contribution of everyone. As we raise the identity of our new Houses together we look forward to sharing our progress with you.  All staff have now been allocated to a House group. This will involve encouraging students to participate in activities and supporting at events. Principal Teachers of Guidance will each lead a house, assisted by a student leadership team.

House      PT Guidance                

Arran        Mr A. McRitchie               

Harris Mrs H. Johnston

Iona         Mrs D. McDonald / Mrs V. Jolly     

Jura         Mrs A. Gardiner              

Skye        Mrs L. Cunvin-Smith