The Modern Languages Department currently offers French, German and Spanish in the Senior Phase to National Qualification levels. In the BGE (S1-3), as part of the 1+2 Approach to Modern Languages ( students continue their language learning from Primary School (L2 - French or German) and also begin a taster course in a second foreign language (L3 – Spanish, French or German) before choosing which language to continue studying in S3 – students may continue with both if they wish.

In lessons, we work on developing skills and confidence in the four areas of Reading, Writing, Listening and Talking, as well as building on the students’ knowledge about language and literacy. Students have access to various online learning platforms such as The Language Gym, Linguascope and This Is Language, and we make extensive use of Microsoft Teams/One Note to support learning.

Languages are vital in today’s society and are required in many jobs and careers. As well as learning languages and improving literacy, many employability skills are developed through the work done in the department, including communication skills, listening skills, responsibility, global citizenship, team work, confidence and problem solving skills.

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S1: Topics covered include “School” and “Home Area and Tourism” for L2. L3 is introduced and work is done to build up talking and listening skills in the second foreign language.

S2: “Healthy Lifestyles” is our theme in S2 for L2 which includes sports, hobbies, food and drink, and health. Transactional language is also covered in these topics. Further work on L3 includes starting to introduce some written work and more extended reading texts in the second foreign language. At the end of S2, students can decide to take either one or both of their languages for their final year of the BGE.

S3: Topics include “Travel and Tourism”, “Relationships” and “Technology”. We also complete an SQA National 4 Added Value Unit through a film study in S3.

S4: In S4, pupils can take National 4 or National 5 in French, German or Spanish. The contexts covered are Society, Learning, Employability and Culture, with various sub topics studied.

S5-S6: Following on from National 5, pupils can take a Higher and then an Advanced Higher in their chosen language. S5 and S6 pupils can also choose to take the National 5 or crash Higher in a language if they have not continued with a language in S4.

There are also opportunities to study for the SQA Modern Languages for Life and Work Award in any of the three languages in the senior phase up to SCQF Level 6.