
Candidates with special arrangements will have notes of their specific exam times. If there are any questions, please see Mrs McLauchlan.

Should students be absent on the day of their exams, they should let the school know as soon as possible to allow us to re-arrange exams.


The SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) have some really useful links to help you prepare and understand the exam process. 

It’s well worthwhile clicking on this link and going through each of the sections before your exams.

Specimen Papers: http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/69284.html

Or try these links, they provide access to past papers and additional advice on exams.

Higher Bitesize: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/levels/zkdqxnb

SCHOLAR (need username and password):  http://scholar.hw.ac.uk/Scotland/

Exam Expectations:

You are expected to sit all your exams in normal school uniform

Please arrive early for your exam with all the necessary equipment (including your SCN – Scottish Candidate Number)

The following items are not permitted within the exam room – mobile phone, mp3 / mp4 player, programmable calculator with inappropriate data stored on it, pencil case, books, notepads, any paper.

Inappropriate conduct– no communication with other candidates, copying or disruptive behaviour of any type.

Please see me immediately if you have any issue relating to your exams

    Good Luck!

    Mr McCulloch

    Head Teacher

For more information on the official appeals process please read this document: Appeals process