Religious and Moral Education at Elgin High School is committed to enabling each pupil to achieve the four capacities promoted in the Curriculum for Excellence. In particular, our department helps support confident individuals who have self-respect, a sense of mental and emotional well-being and are developing secure values and beliefs. Religious and Moral Education encourages pupils to become self-aware; giving them a location to develop and communicate their opinions, beliefs and values as well as respecting those of others.

R.M.E. at Elgin High promotes respect for people of all backgrounds and beliefs, and attempts to develop empathy in pupils. Openness to new thinking and ideas helps pupils become successful learners and responsible citizens able to make reasoned evaluations while understanding opinions which may differ from their own.


S1: S1 will cover the following topics: What do I Believe? , Festivals and Special Places.

S2: S2 will cover the following topics: Special People, Animal Rights. All pupils compete in the National Competition entitled Inspiring Purpose and Global Citizens. This is a personal development programme that aims to help the pupil discover who they are and who they could become. The pupils learn about character, virtues and strengths and they use these to define their own goals and vision for a better world.

S3: S3 will cover the Holocaust Unit which is an in depth study of the plight of the Jewish community and other minority groups. Pupils look at the issues of morality and UNCR rights. In the second half of the year the pupils will take part in YPI.

YPI: Youth and Philanthropy Initiative Scotland: This is an international programme that aims to develop community leaders. The pupils are given hands on experience of philanthropy that provides them with the skills to make a positive difference in their community. The pupils work in groups investigating a local social issue. They work with their designated charity and put forward a presentation as to why this charity should receive £3000.

S4: All S4 pupils are involved in termly assemblies covering a variety of topics including religious, moral and local Issues.