The role of the guidance team is to provide support to pupils in a number of ways ranging from pastoral care to career guidance. In addition to providing quality one to one care for pupils teachers also deliver Personal and Social Education (PSE) for one period per week to meet the demands of the Health and Well being Framework under a Curriculum for Excellence. The main areas that PSE covers across S1-S6 are under the following headings:

e.g. Online Safety, Positive Mental Health, Stereotypes

e.g. Tobacco, Alcohol, Legal/Illegal Drugs, Effects and Classifications

e.g. Puberty, Relationships, STI’s and Contraception

e.g. UCAS applications, CV work, Skills Development and Profiling

These broad areas of study allow for a great deal of flexibility within the PSE curriculum as well as the opportunity to explore key areas of life for young people growing up.  See the examples under each headings to show the topics that fit in each area.

New House Groups – We have now shared with all students and staff information about our new House Groups. With the launch of our new House groups it is important that we move forward together as a whole school community to embed the new system in the daily life of Elgin High School.  This will take time to achieve and involve the contribution of everyone. As we raise the identity of our new Houses together we look forward to sharing our progress with you.  All staff have now been allocated to a House group. This will involve encouraging students to participate in activities and supporting at events. Principal Teachers of Guidance will each lead a house, assisted by a student leadership team.

Pupil Support teachers have also been allocated across the House groups following discussion within the department.


The Guidance Team are always looking for ways to offer added value for our pupils. At the moment we currently offer targeted group support as well as wider achievement opportunities in both the junior phase (S1-S3) and the senior phase (S4-S6). See details of the active opportunities below:


All youngsters who intend to leave at the end of S4 are offered a traditional week long work experience. All opportunities are health and safety checked by Moray Council and held on the WorkiT system. All placements must go through the procedures in line with Moray Council. Flexible work placements can also be made to fit in with senior timetables that happen at certain times during the week. For example a senior student may decide to give up a study period in order to go on a flexible work placement for that period each week. We encourage young people to take advantage of their connections to our community and can arrange for appropriate work experience placements to be health and safety checked even if they are not on the system currently.


These groups are designed to build resilience in young people and increase confidence. Sometimes these groups are facilitated by Guidance Staff but other agencies like The Engagement Team can take the lead.


This wider achievement opportunity offers senior phase pupils the chance to enhance their skills outwith the Elgin High School building. Designed for seniors who are thinking about a career in teaching or childcare more broadly, Masterclasses requires students to plan, create and deliver lessons to primary 5, 6 and 7 pupils across our associated school group. So far, senior students have delivered lessons from subjects right across all curricular areas. Pupils of Mosstowie, Greenwards and New Elgin Primaries have welcomed our seniors for the past 4 years. It has been a great opportunity for seniors to show what Elgin High School is about and really get the ethos of our school out into the community. Primary students have welcomed the chance to work with positive role models and ask questions about their favourite subjects as well as what life at secondary school is really like.


In the junior phase, students have been running successful social enterprises for 3 years. The principal of social enterprise is to develop the skills of business in young people but also giving the opportunity for them to demonstrate a care for their community. Successful social enterprises make a profit, allow for development, manage resources and meet running costs as well as fitting in some kind of positive contribution. Some social enterprises have a ‘green’ element whilst others provide a job opportunities for vulnerable people in society. Our social enterprises sell home made products like candles, cake mix jars, bags for life, fudge, cards and much more. Our social concern is donating part of our profit to Cedarwood Daycare Centre in New Elgin so that they can purchase equipment that makes the experience for their users even better. We believe in Profit for Purpose.