Skills for learning, life and work

"All children and young people are entitled to opportunities to develop skills across the curriculum wherever and whenever they are learning. These skills are relevant from early years right through to the senior phase of learning and beyond, and into lifelong learning. All educators should therefore contribute to the development of these skills." (Building the Curriculum 4: Skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work, Education Scotland)

At Elgin High School, we ensure that all curricular planning includes opportunities for pupils to develop the skills they will need to transition successfully to the world of work, as well as to navigate adult life and enable them to engage in life-long learning.

When planning any curricular activities, our staff build in activities that not only help pupils to develop skills, but also to reflect on their development holistically. We also engage regularly with partner organisations such as Skills Development Scotland and DYW Moray to plan, deliver and evaluate the effectiveness of skills development within our school.

The Moray Skills Pathway

All schools in Moray use the Moray Skills Pathway to plan for the embedding of skills for learning, life and work into the curriculum. The Moray Skills Pathway is strategically linked to national policy and local area needs to ensure that schools in the Local Authority are developing skills that are in demand by employers in the future. Skills are an integral part within learning and teaching delivery of all aspects of the Moray Standard in our school.

The Moray skills framework outlines eight core skills that all learners in Moray Schools should develop:

  • Employability

  • Creativity

  • Self-management

  • Teamwork

  • Communication

  • Thinking

  • Interpersonal

  • Leadership

The Moray Skills Pathway also provides schools with direct links to employers and partner agencies in each of the key growth sectors in the Local Authority:

These industry links allow schools to not only provide high-quality work experience opportunities, but also allow departments and subject areas to engage directly with industry to support DYW-linked activities in school.

The video below provides more information about the Moray Skills Pathway.

The Career Education Standard (3-18)

The Career Education Standard (3-18) has been developed by Education Scotland in light of the recommendation of starting careers advice and guidance earlier in schools. This will help young people understand their capabilities and develop their aspirations to make informed learning and careers choices as they progress through their learning journeys.

When planning our curriculum at Elgin High School, we take into account the entitlements of all young people within this framework:

  • experience a curriculum through which they learn about the world of work and job possibilities and which makes clear the strengths and skills needed to take advantage of these opportunities;

  • develop skills for learning, life and work as an integral part of their education and be clear about how all their achievements relate to these;

  • opportunities to engage in profiling that supports learning and the development of skills for work and future career choices;

  • a learning environment that recognises and promotes diversity and supports them to understand that it is everyone’s responsibility to challenge discrimination;

  • develop understanding of the responsibilities and duties placed on employers and employees;

  • develop understanding of enterprise, entrepreneurship and self-employment as a career opportunity;

  • know where to find information and access support making effective use of online sources such as My World of Work;

  • develop Career Management Skills (CMS) as an integral part of their curriculum;

  • further develop CMS through the involvement of SDS Career Advisers in group and individual sessions as appropriate to personal circumstances and needs;


  • have access to a broad range of pathways through their senior phase including learning opportunities leading to work-related qualifications.

To read the Career Education Standard in full, please click here