Curriculum Model

Broad General Education

S1 & S2 Curriculum:

Students coming to Secondary from Primary School will discover that the biggest change is getting a different class for each subject and they will see many different teachers each day.

The subjects they will take include:

Art & Design, Drama, English, French or German, Geography, History, Home Economics, Information Technology, Mathematics, Modern Studies, Music, Physical Education (PE), Personal and Social Education (PSE), Religious and Moral Education (RME), Science and Technical.

By the end of S2 most students will have had the opportunity to access the Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes up to Level 3. In some cases students will be encouraged to attempt more demanding work. For a number of students the Level 2 work will be more appropriate.

S3 Curriculum:

Students in S2 year groups will be asked to make choices for the courses that they will follow in S3. All will take English, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Physical Education (PE), Personal and Social Education (PSE), Universal Pupil Support (UPS) and RME. These courses will allow them to continue to have a Broad General Education, but also start preparing them for the demands of certificate courses in S4. The subjects they choose will have elements of Inter-Disciplinary Learning (IDL). Information will be explained during the year about subject choices for students when they move into S4.

Senior Phase

The Senior Phase at Elgin High School should be seen as a three-year pathway allowing students to prepare fully for their next steps in life. Post school destinations such as moving into Employment, gaining an Apprenticeship, Volunteering or going to College or University are all supported through partnership working and our curricular structure. Throughout our Senior Phase we aim to:

• continue to develop skills and experiences from the BGE;

• progress with further depth and understanding of subjects;

• work towards a range of appropriate qualifications, and;

• prepare fully for their next steps in life,

S4 Curriculum Choices:

Students entering S4 next session will follow six National Courses offered through the Scottish Qualifications Authority. These will be at the appropriate level of SQA qualification ranging from National 1 to National 5. (SCQF Level 1 to 5). In addition there will be input from the core subjects of PSE and PE.

S5 & S6 Curriculum Choices:

Students in S5 will be expected to follow 5 courses plus PSE, UPS, Health and Well Being and other wider achievement opportunities. Courses are available at a variety of levels to allow students to progress from their S4 achievements.

S6 students may negotiate a curriculum with only 4 courses. However, they will also be expected to take up other activities which will allow them to extend their personal development such as Buddying, Events Management and Community Service. In addition S6 will have periods of Wider Achievement PSE and UPS allowing them to gain additional certification.

An extensive range of National Qualification courses is offered and senior students can also access courses offered by the Open University and Moray College. Collaborative arrangements with other Moray Secondary Schools also provides opportunities for a wider range of courses.

For more information on the different learner pathways that our curriculum can offer, please visit the Senior Phase page here.