In Geography, we develop our pupils understanding and interest  in the world around them at a local, national and global scale.

We study the Earth’s landscapes, peoples, places and environments.

We develop the pupil’s geographical skills and techniques and give them the opportunity to take part in fieldwork.


S1: Geography is taught as part of Social Studies. You will have one Social Studies teacher for three periods per week.

We look at the big question “How did the last ice age affect Scotland?”

In this topic we establish what evidence there was for an ice age?, how ice forms during ice ages and how ice changes landscapes. We then look at how we use the land around us and what conflicts are created in our countryside. As “responsible citizens” how can we take more responsibility for our actions when we are outdoors?

S2: In S2, you will have a Geography specialist teacher for two periods per week.  We take a broad look at Physical/Human and Environmental issues.

-      As Scotland moves to becoming a carbon neutral country by 2030 we examine climate change. We try to answer the question “Are we in a climate crisis?”

-      With Elgin having had two major floods in the past 30 years, we look at how rivers and flooding can affect the lives. We focus on the research question “Can water be powerful?”

-      We then move on to examine how the earths internal heat drives changes on the planets surface. We use the research question “Is there such a thing as a Natural disaster?”

-      We take a closer look at our own misconceptions of the world by examining the question “Is our view of the world wrong?”. In this topic we explore the idea that the world is maybe not a divided world dominated by bad news. Has life for the global population improved?

-      Finally, we look at a major environmental issue “Are our oceans under threat?”. In this topic we look at the issue of microplastics and waste and the impact on our ocean habitats.

S3: In S3, you will have a Geography specialist teacher for three periods per week.  Like S2, we take a broad look at Physical/Human and Environmental issues.

-      We begin with a study and fieldwork project based on Elgin.

-      We look at how Elgin compares to one of the world’s largest growing “megacities” – Lagos, Nigeria and the challenges faced by the people who live there.

-      We look at China and learn about how China has grown to become an economic superpower but that this has come at a cost. We look at the impact of the “one child policy” and China’s environmental pollution.

-      We take a close look at our local coastal landscape and how this has been formed by wave action and what uses and conflicts may be created by people on the coast. This is another opportunity where there may be a fieldtrip to our nearby coast.

We examine the Geography of Health and study how common diseases such as Cholera or Malaria in tropical countries affect the population and the development of countries. 

S4/5/6: If you select National 3/4/5 Geography, you will have a Geography specialist teacher for five periods per week. We further develop a range of geographical skills and techniques. We study a range of topics:

Physical Environments i) Limestone and River Landscapes ii) Weather

Human Environments  i) Urban landscapes ( Edinburgh and Mumbai) ii) Rural Landscapes (India and USA) iii) Development and Population

Global Issues – You will study TWO global issues

i)Climate Change ii) Health

S5/6: If you select Higher Geography you will have a Geography specialist for five periods per week. The course builds on the National course and develops learners understanding of our changing world and its human and physical processes. We study a range of topics:

Physical Environments i) Lithosphere (Glaciated and Coastal Landscapes) ii) Atmosphere iii) Hydrosphere (Rivers and flooding) iv) Biosphere (soils)

Human Environments  i) Urban landscapes (Glasgow and Rio de Janeiro) ii) Rural Landscapes (Western Africa and Lake District) iii) Population (Focus on ageing (Japan) and youthful (Gambia) population then the impacts of migration 1) Mexico to USA and 2) Syria or Afghanistan to Scotland.

Global Issues – You will study TWO global issues

i)Climate Change           ii) Energy


The department also runs the following courses

1)      N4 and N5 Skills for Work Travel and Tourism

2)      N5 and Higher  Environmental Science

3)      Advanced Higher Geography